Pre-marriage Counselling

A special wedding day is wonderful.
A special marriage is even better!

At Well Of Life, we want to help you have the connection, understanding and skills that enable you to grow closer through life’s ups and downs. The Well Of Life vision is one of building strong couples, strong families, and strong futures. It’s possible that you know there were gaps in the modelling you received from your parents, or maybe you just want to make sure that you give your marriage the best start possible.  At Well Of Life, we use Prepare-Enrich; an evidence-based process for pre-marriage counselling to support your journey.

What’s involved:

  • an initial session with your counsellor,
  • individually completing online questionnaires that take approx. 45 mins,
  • a feedback session to go through the strengths and growth opportunities that have been identified in your relationship and
  • follow up appointments as decided with your counsellor (usually somewhere between 2-6).


The Prepare-Enrich program includes workbooks to support your conversations and skill building. This enables you to work effectively outside of the sessions if you choose to. This generally results in you needing fewer sessions with your counsellor. The workbooks are also a valuable ongoing resource that you can refer to down the track.

If you would like support for more complex issues that arise, your counsellor will undertake further assessment / provide additional assistance as needed.