Meet Anne

Anne’s vision as a relationship counsellor is to support individuals and couples to a place of healing and greater connection whenever possible. Being connected and supporting connection is one of Anne’s highest values. She sees working with couples and supporting growth through relationships as a privilege; a space in which the sum of the parts can become greater than the whole. She sees relationships as fundamental to living richly and an invaluable space for growth into greater maturity and psychological health throughout adult life.  

Just like a pearl can form around an irritating grain of sand within an oyster, it’s around the grit and hard stuff that relationships can also grow.  

Anne also sees the family unit as the key environment in which children begin their own learning about relationships, including their relationships with themselves. In this context, the couple relationship becomes not just about two adults, but also about what is passed to the next generation. It can take effort, but when relationships shift from being destructive to constructive the gains are far reaching. You have the potential to leave a legacy of personal and relationship health. Anne’s vision is to make the world a better place, one relationship, one family at a time.  

Background Story…

Though Anne’s interest in becoming a couples therapist began many years ago, her journey has had twists, turns and invaluable life experience. Initially Anne trained as a Registered Nurse and chose to work in areas where she had the opportunity to care for people’s emotional wellbeing as well as their physical health. With a strong desire to focus on supporting the emotional and relational health of individuals and couples, Anne returned to study to become a Counsellor. 

Anne has worked for corporate and not-for-profit organisations where a strong focus of her work has been supporting relationships. Until the end of 2021 she was employed at RelateWell – Family Relationships Institute where she worked closely with new parents and young families. In addition to individual and couple counselling, her role at RelateWell included presenting mental health and wellbeing sessions to new parents.  

Anne is the mother of three adult children. She knows the challenge of being in a difficult place in relationship. As a result, her therapy offers insights and strengths gained through personal experience as well as through formal learning.  


Anne completed her Master of Counselling at Monash University and is a CERTIFIED GOTTMAN THERAPIST. She is registered with the Australian Counselling Association and the Psychotherapy and Counselling Association Australia.   

She’s a Gottman Bringing Baby Home Facilitator and Prepare-Enrich (marriage preparation and enrichment program) Facilitator as well as a Certified Discernment Counsellor; enabling her to provide specialised support for couples where ambivalence about the relationship exists. Anne is also a member of the Christian Counsellors Association of Australia and values opportunities for supporting couples in ministry. 

Anne considers it a privilege to walk alongside others in their relationship journey and brings a warm, compassionate, non-judgmental approach to supporting her clients. 

Professional Affiliations